Recently I wrote a small script on Python that restores photo file's creation and modification dates to their original values, taken from EXIF.
First of all you need to have Python (make sure to get version 2.6.x, 3.x won't work). You will also have to install some libraries.
Getting the libraries
Win32 Extensions
Linux users can skip this step. "Problem" with Windows is that files on FAT32 or NTFS have creation and modification date, while Python out of the box supports only the latter one. To fix that you'll need to get Win32 Extensions library and install it. If you skip this step, the script will work but it will be able to fix only the modification date, creation date will stay untouched.
To parse EXIF headers you will need to get the pyexif library. Just unpack it to the folder where you have python installed.
exif is a linux command line utility. In some respect it is better than the pyexif, as I had some pictures where pyexif failed to retrieve the data. For Linux users you need to check if you have exif installed.
The script
Edit: removed OptionParser from imports.
Edit 2: improved handling of daylight savings time.
First of all you need to have Python (make sure to get version 2.6.x, 3.x won't work). You will also have to install some libraries.
Getting the libraries
Win32 Extensions
Linux users can skip this step. "Problem" with Windows is that files on FAT32 or NTFS have creation and modification date, while Python out of the box supports only the latter one. To fix that you'll need to get Win32 Extensions library and install it. If you skip this step, the script will work but it will be able to fix only the modification date, creation date will stay untouched.
To parse EXIF headers you will need to get the pyexif library. Just unpack it to the folder where you have python installed.
exif is a linux command line utility. In some respect it is better than the pyexif, as I had some pictures where pyexif failed to retrieve the data. For Linux users you need to check if you have exif installed.
The script
#!/usr/bin/env python """A simple utility to restore file creation and modification dates back to their original values from EXIF. This script requires exif module to be installed or the exif command line utility to be in the path. To function correctly under windows this script needs win32file and win32con modules. Otherwise it will not be able to restore the creation date.""" import os, sys, time, re, glob from datetime import datetime, timedelta try: import win32file, win32con __use_win_32 = True except: __use_win_32 = False __path_to_exif = 'exif' TEN_MINUTES = timedelta(minutes=10) __description = """Restores file's creation and modification dates back to the original value from EXIF. usage: [File name mask]""" def getExifCreationDate(path): """Gets the earliest date from the file's EXIF header, returns time tuple""" timeStamp = None try: import exif pf = exif.parse(path) originalTime = pf.get('DateTimeOriginal') if (originalTime): timeStamp = datetime.strptime(originalTime, '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S') except: pass #sometimes exif lib failes to retrieve data if (not timeStamp): response = os.popen(__path_to_exif + ' -x "%s"' % path, 'r') lines = matches = re.findall('Click here or here to download the script.(.*?) ', lines) if (len(matches)): timeStamp = min(*[datetime.strptime(x, '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S') for x in matches]) return timeStamp def getFileDates(path): """Returns a dictionary of file creation (ctime), modification (mtime), exif (exif) dates""" dates = {} dates['exif'] = getExifCreationDate(path) dates['mtime'] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(path)) dates['ctime'] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(path)) return dates def setFileDates(fileName, dates): """Sets file modification and creation dates to the specified value""" if __use_win_32: filehandle = win32file.CreateFile(fileName, win32file.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, None, win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None) win32file.SetFileTime(filehandle, *(dates['exif'],)*3) filehandle.close() else: os.utime(fileName, (time.mktime(dates['exif'].utctimetuple()),)*2) def fixFileDate(fileName): """Reads file's EXIF header, gets the earliest date and sets it to the file""" dates = getFileDates(fileName) if (dates['exif']): cmp_time = lambda x, y: x - y > TEN_MINUTES diff = [cmp_time(dates[x], dates['exif']) for x in ('mtime', 'ctime')] if(sum(diff)): setFileDates(fileName, dates) return dates, diff else: return dates, None def usage(): print __description def main(args): if (not len(args)): usage() return - 1 processedFiles = [] for fileNameMask in args: if "*" in fileNameMask or "?" in fileNameMask: print "Looking for files with mask " + fileNameMask for fileName in filter(lambda x: x not in processedFiles, glob.glob(fileNameMask)): processedFiles.append(fileName) try: dates, diff = fixFileDate(fileName) except Exception, e: print e diff = None print fileName + ' - ', if (not diff): print 'SKIP, NO EXIF' else: if (sum(diff) != 0): print 'SET TO "%s" (updated M:%d, C:%d)' % (dates['exif'].strftime('%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S'), diff[0], diff[1]) else: print 'OK' return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
Edit: removed OptionParser from imports.
Edit 2: improved handling of daylight savings time.